Not receiving your cash out code? It's important to keep your phone number up to date in your Pogo account. For security purposes, we require 2-factor authentication in order to cash out.
The most common reasons users do not receive their cash out code is because they've changed their phone number since creating their Pogo account.
If so, complete this form and we'll get that updated for you. Your phone number must be a mobile number so that you can receive SMS security codes from us.
A few other reasons users can't receive their cash out codes are:
1. You're connected to a VPN while using the app
Simply turn off the VPN and re-attempt the cash out.
2. You're outside of the U.S.
Pogo is currently only available to users who are located in the U.S.
3. Your phone is unable to receive SMS messages from short codes
This is a setting that needs to be enabled by your provider. If you suspect this is the case for you, please contact their support team.
Pogo support aren't replying. They need to work on this honestly. I open a ticket 3 month ago and I'm yet to receive a reply
This POGo is becoming trash.
They don't send code for cash out and their support team don't reply....🤦
I have asked for help twice and neither time I get a reply. I just cashed out before this a couple days prior but now it's not working of course when I have $100+ in points to cash out :(
This app completely sux now...I deleting everything and reporting them
Good day!
I have being cashouting my pogo account and I haven’t received my code is sounds fishy….please you guys should work on it
I face to a problem on my Cashout.when enter reward text of your reward is delayed.please tell me how to slove it??
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